together with trev again!

I finally have my little man back with me.
Was so neverous after the amount of time i had spent away from him, he may have forgotten me!
As soon as he saw me get out of my car, he went crazy, whimpering, barking, licking and monumental amounts of wriggling! I cannot express the amount of love i have for this little guy, he truly is my best mate and puts up with so much crap (driving here and there, etc.)
He is a real little trooper, He is my best friend, and after such a long while, we are finally together again.
And thank you to my beautiful partner who went so far out of her way to help me get him here! without her, i couldn't have done it!
I truly love all animals, of all shapes and sizes, if you have a loved one that you would like a photo shoot with, please dont hesitate to contact me at or even contact me through my Facebook page at I would love to talk to you about it and imortalizing your precious forever.\
He looks so much like his mumma scout in this pic ^