Anzac Day 2013

The last post - moves me every time!
Proud digger saluting
The last post - moves me every time!
Proud digger saluting
Thank you so much to Jaime and Jason for letting us be a part of the next big chapter of their life.
Below are a select few photographs from their pre-wedding shoot.
What can I say, what an awesome family!
Jason is photogenic (regardless of what he thinks) and Jaime has a smile that can melt ice!
Their three wonderful children played to the camera so well, and we can't wait to be a part of their big day.
First of all I would love to thank the caretaker of Camp Mallon the access to their property. I cannot tell you how much i appreciate it!
Secondly, this is one of my favorite shoots in a long time. without the love and support from my beautiful other half Tez, I dare say this possibly wouldn't have happened. The fact that she braved the humidity, mozzies and boredom (trust me, she went a little kooky! lol) really affirms that I have a strong support base, and that it can only get better from here!
Thank you Tez, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Without you, I wouldnt be back into the swing of things. To you this is dedicated!
I hope you enjoy!
Weekend spent at Lake Moogerah here in SE Queensland, Such a beautiful place, with endless opportunities for the photographer!
Will post more as i get through the photos from the shoot.
This one was a miscalculation on my part with exposure time, which needed a lot of post processing! but i thought i'd still share it anyway :)