For me??

My little man at the beach yesterday, always wanting you to throw the stick, such a scouty clone!

My little man at the beach yesterday, always wanting you to throw the stick, such a scouty clone!
So, my first Landscape/seascape shoot in a very long time!
First and foremost, i must thank my loving partner, without her, i wouldnt be doing this!!
Todays shoot was taken at the spit, on the Gold Coast in Queensland, such a beautiful place, and VERY dog friendly, naturally my boy trev came down for the shoot!
I have the bug again, and so many beautiful places to visit, the next planned place is up the scenic rim near Warwick, SE Queensland.
Hope you enjoy
A beautiful Sea Eagle from the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, a very talkative one as well!
A water monitor hiding behind an old tree, do you see him?
I captured his little head using manual focus, so happy I scored this shot!
Just a quick little shot, but it gets the landscape creative juices flowing again!